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What features in FIFA 16 is a sample of what we could see in the future





What features in FIFA 16 is a sample of what we could see in the future

While the FIFA 16 play is overall slower, it's not such a terrible thing. Winning a game will rely more heavily on possession, and capitalizing on your opposition by drawing players out of their defense. Bolting a lobbed through ball over the top of the defense will not result in a nhl coins goal as often as you would like. I expect that online games, and matches with friends will be more intense than ever. That said, matches against AI will become boring quite quickly as low scoring affairs will dominate your season.

Another is ��Passing with Purpose��. In pressing the right bumper when passing, extra power will be placed on the ball. While that��s great for getting passes through tight spaces or when a window for an opportunity is quickly closing, it��s balanced out by the first touch the player receiving the ball gets, which won��t be nearly as clean. Players on defense will actively go after the ball. They��ll jump right hut coins sale into the passing lanes, making it tougher than ever to keep possession, especially in the midfield. Initially, that was fantastic to see. The problem quickly became apparent when players whose team has possession will just stand around and watch, and allow the defenders to get to the ball without making an effort of their own. Passing also seems to randomly go haywire, with an unusual amount of power (for how long the button was held) being placed on them that sends them beyond their intended target who lets it go right by them.

Unfortunately, FIFA 16 has also made crosses relatively ineffective, and the referees tend to make some questionable decisions when it comes to fouls, something that will probably be addressed in future updates. Winning in the new title is a matter of avoiding mistakes when on the defensive, then working through midfield to disrupt the opposition, and eventually finalizing with a goal when chances appear. There are also lots of improvements for when you don��t have the ball. While many of the new changes on the defensive side are incredibly minor on their own, when put together they make winning the ball back a lot easier.

Attention to detail is something that I'm quite a stickler for, and FIFA passes the eye test here. The likenesses of far more players have been captured and look more like their real life counterpart. We're not quite to the point where everyone is going to get that treatment, but most of the top leagues are now covered. Even finer than this is that referees will now use the vanishing spray to mark off free kicks for the spot and distance. What's impressive about this is that the spray will actually vanish as time moves on in the game, so after a free kick a player might notice a minute later that the spot and line drawn have faded out but not entirely. It doesn't affect gameplay at all, but this kind of detail shows just what kind of work was put into the finished product.




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